The Oxford Trobadors take their inspiration from the music of the language, Occitan, in which the 12th and 13th century Troubadours composed. The language and culture are still alive today in the south of France and parts of Italy and Catalonia. ‘Troubadour’ in Occitan is written ‘Trobador’. The language resembles Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

With Guitar, flute, cello and spectacular percussion The Oxford Trobadors produce original arrangments of songs medieval and modern

The concert repertoire includes

Songs from the medieval troubadours:
Arnaut Daniel: La Sestina
Bernard de Ventadorn: Quan vei la lauzeta
Jaufre Rudel: Lo riu de la fontana
Marcabru: L'autrier a l'issada d'abriu
L'autrier jost'una sebissa
Peire Vidal: Nulhs hom non pot d’amor gandir

Traditional occitan folk songs:
Lo boier
Se Canta

Modern occitan music from